
Search Firestore with Algolia | Firebase Extensions Hub

Search Firestore with Algolia

Made by Algolia

Enables full text search of your Cloud Firestore data with Algolia.

Works with
Cloud Firestore
1.2.2 | Source code

How this extension works

Use this extension to index your Cloud Firestore data to Algolia and keep it synced. The extension is applied and configured on a Firestore collection .

This extension listens for changes on the specified collection. If you add a document , the extension indexes it as a record in Algolia . The extension only indexes the fields defined in the extension configuration and uses the document Id as the Algolia object Id .

Anytime you update a document, the extension propagates the update to the corresponding Algolia record. If you delete a document, the extension removes the corresponding Algolia record.


Upon installation or when the extension’s configuration is changed, the documents in the specified collection will be synced to Algolia.

Additional setup

Before installing this extension, make sure that you’ve
set up a Cloud Firestore database
in your Firebase project.

You must also have an Algolia account set up before installing this
extension. You can do so on the Algolia site.


This extension uses the following Firebase services which may have associated charges:

  • Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Functions

This extension also uses the following third-party services:

You are responsible for any costs associated with your use of these services.

Note from Firebase

To install this extension, your Firebase project must be on the Blaze (pay-as-you-go) plan. You will only be charged for the resources you use. Most Firebase services offer a free tier for low-volume use. Learn more about Firebase billing.

You will be billed a small amount (typically less than $0.10) when you install or reconfigure this extension. See Cloud Functions under Firebase Pricing for a detailed explanation.

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