
Report an Extension
Report an Extension
Use this form to report an extension to Firebase for the applicable reasons below.

If you discovered a bug with an Extension, please report it directly to the extension developer, typically via an Issue in their Github repository which is linked from the extension.

If you would like to request removal of an Extension from Google's services under Google’s policies or applicable laws (including copyright or trademark violations), please use this form instead:? https://support.google.com/legal/troubleshooter/1114905

We appreciate you taking the time to help us make the Extensions ecosystem better. We will review your report and take any necessary actions. However, we cannot guarantee that we will reply or keep you up to date on the progress for privacy reasons.

이메일 *
Extension ID (ex. firebase/firestore-send-email) *
Version (ex. 1.2.3 or 1.2.0-1.2.4)
Reason *
Describe the reason for this report in more detail *
Please provide as much detail as possible, detailed descriptions of behaviours, and, if applicable, links to specific blocks of source code (especially in cases of malicious or abusive behaviour or vulnerabilities).

DO NOT include any PII or SPII in this form. If necessary, we will reach out separately to request that information.
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- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 교육부 고전문헌국역지원사업의 지원으로 구축되었습니다.
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- 현재 고유명사(인명, 지명등)을 비롯한 여러 변환오류가 있으며 이를 해결하고자 많은 연구 개발을 진행하고자 하고 있습니다. 이를 인지하시고 다른 곳에서 인용시 한자 변환 결과를 한번 더 검토하시고 사용해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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