American Samoa briefly in Convention lights

3:26 pm on 20 July 2016

The American Samoa Republican Party delegates briefly had the spotlight today at the party's National Convention in Cleveland.

Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump introduces Melania (out of frame) at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio

Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump introduces Melania (out of frame) at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio Photo: AFP

The Republican Party has today formally endorsed Donald Trump as its candidate for the presidential election in November.

The chair of the American Samoa Republican Party, Utu Abe Malae, led an 11 member delegation to the convention.

He had the floor briefly to let the the other delegates know where American Samoa's support would go.

"The American territory of American Samoa in the southernmost reaches of US soil. The greatest exporter of NFL players. The whole kit and kaboodle, all nine delegates to the immediate future President of the United States,, Donald J Trump."

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