
Specialist Exchange: Japan::NATIONAL MUSEUM OF KOREA


About the program

This specialist exchange with the Tokyo National Museum was the the National Museum of Korea's first regular academic exchange program with an overseas museum.

In 2002, the National Museum of Korea and the Tokyo National Museum signed the “Agreement on Academic and Cultural Exchange, Collaboration, and Other Activities”. Since this agreement, the two museums have been exchanging specialists. The museums recently expanded the scope of personal exchange to two specialists for up to two weeks and continue expanding efforts in diverse research fields. Under the program, the museums have held numerous academic seminars, workshops, staff meetings, and co-investigation of ruins and artifacts.

About Tokyo National Museum

The Tokyo National Museum opened in 1872. It is Japan's oldest and best-known museum.

The Tokyo National Museum opened in 1872. It is Japan's oldest and best-known museum.

The museum conducts exhibitions, research, and education, as well as collects and conserves artworks from Asia, focusing on Japan.

Specialist Exchange: Japan imageSpecialist Exchange: Japan mobile image

Tokyo National Museum website

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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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