
Explore how you can capture and keep attention with creative best practices.

 Women drawing whilst standing

2 mins

B2Bob: a framework to produce more compelling ads.

Start developing eye-catching creative for your Facebook Feed and Stories, and be inspired by best-in-class advertisers.

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2 mins

Create product demos using the B2Bob approach.

Build trust and credibility, and give prospects a reason to believe in the benefits you offer, with product-led content.

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2 mins

Creating successful ‘before and after’ ads using B2Bob.

Curate contrasting before-and-after videos and images in order to share a narrative that conveys the benefits of your products and services.

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2 mins

Create a ‘thumb-stopper’ ad using the B2Bob approach.

Capture the attention of your audience and explore how other B2B advertisers are using strong visuals and snappy copy to stop people from scrolling past their content.

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