Android Security Test Suite development kit (STS SDK)

Security Test Suite Trade Federation (sts-tradefed) is built on top of the Android Trade Federation test harness to test all Android devices for security patch tests that don't fall into the Compatibility Test Suite. These tests are exclusively for fixes that are associated (or will be associated) with a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE).

The SDK allows development of STS tests outside of the Android source tree using Android Studio or the standard Android SDK. It includes all utilities that are needed to build and run an STS test.

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  • 64-bit Linux PC.
  • Android Studio (can also be installed from your distro's package manager.
  • Android platform tools ( adb , fastboot ) need to be installed and be in your $PATH (i.e. you should be able to run adb from the command line). The easiest way to install the platform tools is via your distro's package manager.
    • If using Android Studio's SDK manager instead of standalone platform tools, remember to add the SDK's platform-tools directory to your $PATH.
  • aapt , which can also be installed via your distro's package manager.

Get started using Android Studio

After extracting the archive, open the directory in Android Studio as an existing project. Run the assembleSTSARM or assembleSTSx86 build target to build the skeleton test, depending on the architecture of the target Android device. Run the runSTS build target to run the skeleton test on the connected device (ADB must be authorized).

Get started using Gradle

After extracting the archive, set the sdk.dir property in the file at the root of the Gradle project, then run the assembleSTSARM Gradle task to build the skeleton test. After the build is finished, the test can be run by navigating ( cd ) into build/android-sts/tools and executing the sts-tradefed wrapper.

$ echo 'sdk.dir=/home/<myusername>/Android/Sdk' >
$ ./gradlew assembleSTSARM
$ cd build/android-sts/tools
$ ./sts-tradefed run sts-dynamic-develop -m hostsidetest

Write an STS test

There are three parts to an STS test:

  1. A host-side Tradefed test that interacts with the device through adb, in the sts-test subdirectory.
  2. An optional native proof-of-concept attack that is pushed onto the device through adb push and executed by the host-side test in the native-poc subdirectory.
  3. An optional app or service APK that is installed onto the device through adb install and also launched by the host-side test. The app or service can also contain its own set of JUnit assertions that is reported to the host-side runner. This is in the test-app subdirectory.

A typical STS test flow usually follows one of two patterns:

  • Native proof-of-concept:

    1. The host-side test pushes and launches a native executable on the device.
    2. The native program crashes or returns a specific exit code.
    3. The host-side test checks for crashes, looks at the logcat backtrace, or looks for the specific exit code to determine whether the attack succeeded.
  • Instrumented test app:

    1. The host-side test pushes an APK consisting of an app or service onto the device.
    2. The host-side test starts the device-side JUnit tests that is bundled with the APK through runDeviceTest()
    3. The device-side JUnit tests taps buttons and watches the app using UIAutomator, or otherwise accesses the Android system in ways that reveal security vulnerabilities.
    4. The success or failure of the device-side JUnit tests is returned to the host-side test, which can be used to determine if the test passed or not.

A combination of the two patterns (for example, running of a native program in conjunction with device-side tests) is also possible. Some other instrumentation frameworks, such as frida-inject , are also available. For details, see the Security Test Suite reference docs and the Tradefed reference docs .

My proof-of-concept attack doesn't need a test app or native executable

Most tests will not need both a device-side app and a native executable.

If your test does not involve the use of an on-device app/service, simply delete the test-app subdirectory. Similarly, if your test does not use a native executable, delete the native-poc subdirectory then Gradle-sync the project. The project is set up to automatically skip building those modules when they don't exist.

My proof-of-concept attack involves a second app/service

First, add a new Module to your project for your second app/service and write that like you would any other APK.

Next, edit build.gradle at the root of this directory and add your module following the instructions in copyArtifacts , assembleStsARM , and assembleStsx86 . This will ensure the compiled APK is copied to the output directory of STS and enables installing/calling of the new app form the test.

Finally, Gradle-sync the project.

Submit the STS test

Run zipForSubmission task (either with Android Studio or with Gradle on the command line). A new file, , should be created in build directory at the root of the project. Upload that file along with your submission to the Android Vulnerability Reward Program.