Sensors HAL 2.0

The Sensors Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) is the interface between the Android sensor framework and a device's sensors, such as an accelerometer or gyroscope. The Sensors HAL defines the functions that must be implemented to allow the framework to control the sensors.

Sensors HAL 2.0 is available in Android 10 and higher for new and upgraded devices. Sensors HAL 2.0 is based on Sensors HAL 1.0 but has several key differences, which prevent it from being backward compatible. Sensors HAL 2.0 uses Fast Message Queues (FMQs) to send sensor events from the HAL into the Android sensor framework.

Sensors HAL 2.1 is available in Android 11 and higher for new and upgraded devices. Sensors HAL 2.1 is an iteration of Sensors HAL 2.0 that exposes the HINGE_ANGLE sensor type and updates various methods to accept the HINGE_ANGLE type.

HAL 2.1 interface

The main source of documentation for Sensors HAL 2.1 is within the HAL definition at hardware/interfaces/sensors/2.1/ISensors.hal . If there's a conflict of requirements between this page and ISensors.hal , use the requirement in ISensors.hal .

HAL 2.0 interface

The main source of documentation for Sensors HAL 2.0 is within the HAL definition at hardware/interfaces/sensors/2.0/ISensors.hal . If there's a conflict of requirements between this page and ISensors.hal , use the requirement in ISensors.hal .

Implement Sensors HAL 2.0 and HAL 2.1

To implement Sensors HAL 2.0 or 2.1, an object must extend the ISensors interface and implement all functions defined in 2.0/ISensors.hal or 2.1/ISensors.hal .

Initialize the HAL

The Sensors HAL must be initialized by the Android sensor framework before it can be used. The framework calls the initialize() function for HAL 2.0 and the initialize_2_1() function for HAL 2.1 to provide three parameters to the Sensors HAL: two FMQ descriptors and one pointer to an ISensorsCallback object.

The HAL uses the first descriptor to create the Event FMQ used to write sensor events to the framework. The HAL uses the second descriptor to create the Wake Lock FMQ used to synchronize when the HAL releases its wake lock for WAKE_UP sensor events. The HAL must save a pointer to the ISensorsCallback object so that any necessary callback functions may be invoked.

The initialize() or initialize_2_1() function must be the first function called when initializing the Sensors HAL.

Expose available sensors

To get a list of all of the available static sensors in the device, use the getSensorsList() function on HAL 2.0 and getSensorsList_2_1() function on HAL 2.1. This function returns a list of sensors, each uniquely identified by its handle. The handle for a given sensor must not change when the process hosting the Sensors HAL restarts. Handles may change across device reboots, and across system server restarts.

If several sensors share the same sensor type and wake-up property, then the first sensor in the list is called the default sensor and is returned to apps that utilize the getDefaultSensor(int sensorType, bool wakeUp) function.

Stability of sensors list

After a Sensors HAL restart, if the data returned by getSensorsList() or getSensorsList_2_1() indicates a significant change compared to the sensor list retrieved before the restart, the framework triggers a restart of the Android runtime. Significant changes to the sensor list include cases where a sensor with a given handle is missing or has changed attributes, or where new sensors are introduced. Although restarting the Android runtime is disruptive to the user, it's required because the Android framework can no longer meet the Android API contract that static (nondynamic) sensors don't change during the lifetime of an app. This may also prevent the framework from reestablishing active sensor requests made by apps. Therefore, HAL vendors are advised to prevent avoidable sensor list changes.

To ensure stable sensor handles, the HAL must deterministically map a given physical sensor in the device to its handle. Although no specific implementation is mandated by the Sensors HAL interface, developers have a number of options available to meet this requirement.

For example, the sensor list can be sorted using a combination of each sensor's fixed attributes, such as vendor, model, and sensor type. Another option relies on the fact that the device's set of static sensors is fixed in hardware, so the HAL needs to know when all expected sensors have completed initialization before returning from getSensorsList() or getSensorsList_2_1() . This list of expected sensors can be compiled into the HAL binary or stored in a configuration file in the file system, and the order of appearance can be used to derive stable handles. Although the best solution depends on your HAL's specific implementation details, the key requirement is that sensor handles don't change across HAL restarts.

Configure sensors

Before a sensor is activated, the sensor must be configured with a sampling period and maximum reporting latency using the batch() function.

A sensor must be able to be reconfigured at any time using batch() without the loss of sensor data.

Sampling period

The sampling period has a different meaning based on the sensor type that's being configured:

  • Continuous: Sensor events are generated at a continuous rate.
  • On-change: Events are generated no faster than the sampling period and may be generated at a rate slower than the sampling period if the measured value doesn't change.
  • One-shot: The sampling period is ignored.
  • Special: For more details, see Sensor types .

To learn about the interaction between a sampling period and a sensor's reporting modes, see Reporting Modes .

Maximum reporting latency

The maximum reporting latency sets the maximum time in nanoseconds that events can be delayed and stored in the hardware FIFO before being written to the Event FMQ through the HAL while the SoC is awake.

A value of zero signifies that the events must be reported as soon as they're measured, either skipping the FIFO altogether, or emptying the FIFO as soon as one event from the sensor is present in the FIFO.

For example, an accelerometer activated at 50 Hz with a maximum reporting latency of zero triggers interrupts 50 times per second when the SoC is awake.

When the maximum reporting latency is greater than zero, sensor events don't need to be reported as soon as they're detected. Events can be temporarily stored in the hardware FIFO and reported in batches, as long as no event is delayed by more than the maximum reporting latency. All events since the previous batch are recorded and returned at once. This reduces the number of interrupts sent to the SoC and allows the SoC to switch to a lower power mode while the sensor is capturing and batching data.

Each event has a timestamp associated with it. Delaying the time at which an event is reported must not impact the event timestamp. The timestamp must be accurate and correspond to the time at which the event physically happened, not the time it was reported.

For additional information and requirements on reporting sensor events with nonzero maximum reporting latency, see Batching .

Activate sensors

The framework enables and disables sensors using the activate() function. Prior to activating a sensor, the framework must first configure the sensor using batch() .

After a sensor is deactivated, additional sensor events from that sensor must not be written to the Event FMQ.

Flush sensors

If a sensor is configured to batch sensor data, the framework can force an immediate flush of batched sensor events by calling flush() . This causes the batched sensor events for the specified sensor handle to be immediately written to the Event FMQ. The Sensors HAL must append a flush complete event to the end of the sensor events that are written as a result of a call to flush() .

The flush happens asynchronously (that is, this function must return immediately). If the implementation uses a single FIFO for several sensors, that FIFO is flushed and the flush complete event is added only for the specified sensor.

If the specified sensor has no FIFO (no buffering possible), or if the FIFO was empty at the time of the call, flush() must still succeed and send a flush complete event for that sensor. This applies to all sensors other than one-shot sensors.

If flush() is called for a one-shot sensor, then flush() must return BAD_VALUE and not generate a flush complete event.

Write sensor events to the FMQ

The Event FMQ is used by the Sensors HAL to push sensor events into the Android sensor framework.

The Event FMQ is a synchronized FMQ, which means that any attempt to write more events to the FMQ than the available space allows results in a failed write. In such case, the HAL should determine whether to write the current set of events as two smaller groups of events or to write all of the events together when enough space is available.

When the Sensors HAL has written the desired number of sensor events to the Event FMQ, the Sensors HAL must notify the framework that events are ready by writing the EventQueueFlagBits::READ_AND_PROCESS bit to the Event FMQ's EventFlag::wake function. The EventFlag can be created from the Event FMQ using EventFlag::createEventFlag and the Event FMQ's getEventFlagWord() function.

Sensors HAL 2.0/2.1 supports both write and writeBlocking on the Event FMQ. The default implementation provides a reference for using write . If the writeBlocking function is used, the readNotification flag must be set to EventQueueFlagBits::EVENTS_READ , which is set by the framework when it reads events from the Event FMQ. The write notification flag must be set to EventQueueFlagBits::READ_AND_PROCESS , which notifies the framework that events have been written to the Event FMQ.

WAKE_UP events

WAKE_UP events are sensor events that cause the application processor (AP) to wake up and handle the event immediately. Whenever a WAKE_UP event is written to the Event FMQ, the Sensors HAL must secure a wake lock to ensure that the system stays awake until the framework can handle the event. Upon receiving a WAKE_UP event, the framework secures its own wake lock, allowing for the Sensors HAL to release its wake lock. To synchronize when the Sensors HAL releases its wake lock, use the Wake Lock FMQ.

The Sensors HAL must read the Wake Lock FMQ to determine the number of WAKE_UP events that the framework has handled. The HAL should only release its wake lock for WAKE_UP events if the total number of unhandled WAKE_UP events is zero. After handling sensor events, the framework counts the number of events that are marked as WAKE_UP events and writes this number back to the Wake Lock FMQ.

The framework sets the WakeLockQueueFlagBits::DATA_WRITTEN write notification on the Wake Lock FMQ whenever it writes data to the Wake Lock FMQ.

Dynamic sensors

Dynamic sensors are sensors that aren't physically a part of the device but can be used as input to the device, such as a gamepad with an accelerometer.

When a dynamic sensor is connected, the onDynamicSensorConnected function in ISensorsCallback must be called from the Sensors HAL. This notifies the framework of the new dynamic sensor and allows the sensor to be controlled through the framework and to have the sensor's events be consumed by clients.

Similarly, when a dynamic sensor is disconnected, the onDynamicSensorDisconnected function in ISensorsCallback must be called so that the framework can remove any sensor that is no longer available.

Direct channel

Direct channel is a method of operation where sensor events are written to specific memory instead of to the Event FMQ bypassing the Android Sensors Framework. A client that registers a direct channel must read the sensor events directly from the memory that was used to create the direct channel and won't receive the sensor events through the framework. The configDirectReport() function is similar to batch() for normal operation and configures the direct report channel.

The registerDirectChannel() and unregisterDirectChannel() functions create or destroy a new direct channel.

Operation modes

The setOperationMode() function allows for the framework to configure a sensor so that the framework can inject sensor data into the sensor. This is useful for testing, especially for algorithms that exist below the framework.

The injectSensorData() function in HAL 2.0 and injectSensorsData_2_1() function in HAL 2.0 is normally used to push operational parameters into the Sensors HAL. The function can also be used to inject sensor events into a specific sensor.


To validate your implementation of the Sensors HAL, run the sensor CTS and VTS tests.

CTS tests

Sensor CTS tests exist in both automated CTS tests and the manual CTS Verifier app.

The automated tests are located in cts/tests/sensor/src/android/hardware/cts . These tests verify standard functionality of sensors, such as activating sensors, batching, and sensor event rates.

The CTS Verifier tests are located in cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/sensors . These tests require manual input from the test operator and ensure that sensors report accurate values.

Passing the CTS tests is critical to ensuring that the device under test meets all CDD requirements.

VTS tests

VTS tests for Sensors HAL 2.0 are located in hardware/interfaces/sensors/2.0/vts . VTS tests for Sensors HAL 2.1 are located in hardware/interfaces/sensors/2.1/vts . These tests ensure that the Sensors HAL is implemented properly and that all requirements within ISensors.hal and ISensorsCallback.hal are properly met.

Upgrade to Sensors HAL 2.1 from 2.0

When upgrading to Sensors HAL 2.1 from 2.0, your HAL implementation must include the initialize_2_1() , getSensorsList_2_1() , and injectSensorsData_2_1() methods, together with the HAL 2.1 types. These methods must meet the same requirements outlined for HAL 2.0 above.

Because minor version HALs must support all functions from previous HALs, 2.1 HALs must support being initialized as 2.0 HALs. To avoid the complexity of supporting both HAL versions, it's highly recommended to use Multi-HAL 2.1.

For an example of how to implement your own Sensors 2.1 HAL, see Sensors.h .

Upgrade to Sensors HAL 2.0 from 1.0

When upgrading to Sensors HAL 2.0 from 1.0, ensure your HAL implementation meets the following requirements.

Initialize the HAL

The initialize() function must be supported to establish FMQs between the framework and HAL.

Expose available sensors

In Sensors HAL 2.0, the getSensorsList() function must return the same value during a single device boot, even across Sensors HAL restarts. A new requirement of the getSensorsList() function is that it must return the same value during a single device boot, even across Sensors HAL restarts. This allows for the framework to attempt to reestablish sensor connections if the system server restarts. The value returned by getSensorsList() can change after the device performs a reboot.

Write sensor events to the FMQ

Instead of waiting for poll() to be called, in Sensors HAL 2.0, the Sensors HAL must proactively write sensor events to the Event FMQ whenever sensor events are available. The HAL is also responsible for writing the correct bits to EventFlag to cause an FMQ read within the framework.

WAKE_UP events

In Sensors HAL 1.0, the HAL was able to release its wake lock for any WAKE_UP event on any subsequent call to poll() after a WAKE_UP was posted to poll() because this indicated that the framework had processed all sensor events and had obtained a wake lock, if necessary. Because, in Sensors HAL 2.0, the HAL no longer knows when the framework has processed events written to the FMQ, the Wake Lock FMQ allows the framework to communicate to the HAL when it has handled WAKE_UP events.

In Sensors HAL 2.0, the wake lock secured by the Sensors HAL for WAKE_UP events must start with SensorsHAL_WAKEUP .

Dynamic sensors

Dynamic sensors were returned using the poll() function in Sensors HAL 1.0. Sensors HAL 2.0 requires that onDynamicSensorsConnected and onDynamicSensorsDisconnected in ISensorsCallback be called whenever dynamic sensor connections change. These callbacks are available as part of the ISensorsCallback pointer that is provided through the initialize() function.

Operation modes

The DATA_INJECTION mode for WAKE_UP sensors must be supported in Sensors HAL 2.0.

Multi-HAL support

Sensors HAL 2.0 and 2.1 supports multi-HAL using the Sensors Multi-HAL framework . For implementation details, see Porting from Sensors HAL 1.0 .