
Modern Slavery Act ? Transparency Statement - Stack Overflow

Modern Slavery Act ? Transparency Statement

We are publishing this statement as a demonstration of our commitment to anti-slavery practices and an affirmation of the values we hold and adopt across our business.

We are publishing this statement as a demonstration of our commitment to anti-slavery practices and an affirmation of the values we hold and adopt across our business. Stack Overflow is built on the notion that we embrace collaboration, transparency, and believe in leading with empathy. For more information on Stack Overflow’s culture and values, please visit stackoverflow.co .

Stack Overflow is committed to ensuring that the way we operate and manage our business is consistent with the highest standards of social and ethical conduct. We are dedicated to showing that our practices combat modern slavery and human trafficking as well as to working with and encouraging our partners, sub-processors, and suppliers to uphold the principles in this statement.

Who We Are

Stack Overflow is one of the most popular websites in the world - a community-based space focused on increasing productivity, decreasing cycle times, accelerating time to market, and protecting institutional knowledge. Stack Overflow is incorporated in Delaware and is a remote-first company with Hiring HUBs in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Germany.

Our Staff

It is fundamental to our business that we operate ethically and openly. We ensure that the manner in which we engage with our staff, and the way they are treated, is consistent with those high standards. We uphold and apply this standard across all of our offices and employees across the world.

At the core of our engagement with staff is our belief in diversity, inclusion, transparency and equality. These are well-established company values which apply to everything we do and the way we engage with our staff.

When we say everyone should feel included at work, we mean every single person. We’re stronger when we’re diverse, which means our business relies on having different voices and perspectives at the table. All backgrounds, national origins, races, religions, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, and family structures are welcome at Stack Overflow.

We are also committed to equal pay across the organization as well as advocating for equality in the communities where we live and work. This is the kind of work that is never “done,” and we believe we should be vocal about the progress we still need to make.

Our Supply Chain

As a business specialising in Software as a Service, we do not have a traditional supply chain and have limited reliance on suppliers of tangible goods. Based on our business and our industry, we implement a risk-based approach to evaluate suppliers to ensure safeguards are in place to protect against slavery and human trafficking.

Our Due Diligence Processes

It is imperative to us that our partners, sub-processors, and suppliers uphold the same high standards as we do, by ensuring that all employees and workers are treated with dignity and respect in a fair and ethical environment.

Our methods of engaging with suppliers provide us with confidence that we remain fully compliant with the law at all times. We remain vigilant and periodically monitor risks with regard to all of our suppliers.

Assessing and Managing Risk

We continuously work to identify, assess, and monitor any potential areas of risk of slavery and human trafficking. This includes considering the type of services being carried out, the nature of what is being supplied, and the location from where it is being supplied. To minimize risks of human trafficking and slavery, we include various contractual provisions requiring fair practices by our partners, sub-processors, and suppliers.

This includes express obligations to comply with all applicable laws in the delivery of goods and services as well as requiring personnel who work with suppliers to report any unlawful or unethical behavior. Should we become aware of any issues of slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain, we will immediately take appropriate actions, including terminating the supplier relationship and contacting the proper authorities.


It is important to us that our employees are aware of the issues surrounding modern slavery and support our values. Our legal team is aware of and trained in the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act. We also intend to train other relevant employees to reinforce our policy and about the steps to be taken in the event of any concerns.

Looking ahead

We recognize that compliance with the Modern Slavery Act is an ongoing commitment, and we will continue to develop our practices to minimise any risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring anywhere in our business. Stack Overflow does not knowingly engage with any supplier involved in slavery or human trafficking.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Stack Overflow’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.

............/s/.................... Prashanth Chandrasekar Stack Overflow May 4, 2023

............/s/.................... Denis Nikolaev Prosus Group May 4, 2023

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