
Pixel Perfect: Designing for Every Screen, Every Fold | by James Cullimore | Level Up Coding

Pixel Perfect: Designing for Every Screen, Every Fold

James Cullimore
Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min read Feb 6, 2024


Mobile device diversity has increased to previously unheard-of levels. App developers have many challenges because different devices have different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations, such as smartphones, tablets, and foldable devices. Creating a smooth user experience over this wide range needs creativity as well as a deep comprehension of the nuances related to different screen sizes.

This article explores the science and art of creating and testing applications for a wide range of screens, providing insightful information about the subtleties of designing for devices with different form factors. The environment is always changing, from tablets to foldable phones, so developers need to remain on top of things to make sure their apps look good and work perfectly on all of the devices.

We will discuss important factors to take into account when designing for various screen sizes and offer practical advice on how to manage layouts using Jetpack Compose and XML layouts. We will also talk about how important it is to support different screen orientations so that users can easily switch between portrait and landscape mode without compromising on functionality or style.

Testing is an essential part of the development process, and we’ll walk you through practical methods to confirm the functionality of your app on a variety of devices. We will give you the skills and information required to successfully negotiate the complexities of the testing environment, from using emulators for rapid iterations to utilising device farms for thorough testing.

Let’s explore the complexities of multi-screen development and testing together as we set out to solve the riddles of designing applications that can not only adjust to the variety of screens that are accessible today, but also stay relevant as technology develops in the future.

Form Factor Spectrum

Form factors now encompass more than just the traditional. With the advent of foldable devices and the traditional constraints of smartphones and tablets, developers are now faced with a wide range of screen sizes and shapes.

The Evolution of Form Factors

Smartphones and Tablets: Traditional smartphones and tablets have long been the standard form factors for mobile applications. With a plethora of devices ranging from compact screens to expansive tablets, developers have been accustomed to tailoring their layouts to accommodate different screen sizes and resolutions.

Foldable Devices: The advent of foldable devices has ushered in a new era, challenging developers to think beyond the confines of static screens. Foldables offer a unique blend of flexibility and innovation, allowing users to seamlessly transition between a compact form and an expanded display. As the market for foldable devices continues to grow, the need for adaptive app design becomes increasingly apparent.

Why Cater to Different Form Factors?

Enhanced User Experience: Designing applications for diverse form factors ensures that users have an optimal experience regardless of the device they choose. Tailoring layouts to specific screens allows for a more immersive and user-friendly interaction, contributing to higher user satisfaction.

Market Accessibility: Embracing various form factors broadens the potential user base for your app. By accommodating the multitude of devices in the market, you increase the accessibility of your application to a wider audience, potentially unlocking new markets and demographics.

Future-Proofing: As technology evolves, so do form factors. Designing with flexibility in mind ensures that your app remains relevant and functional as new devices with novel shapes and sizes emerge.

Adjusting Layouts vs. Dropping Support

When faced with the challenge of accommodating diverse form factors, developers must strike a balance between adaptability and practicality. Here are key considerations:

Adjusting Layouts:

  • Leverage responsive design principles to create layouts that dynamically adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Utilize technology such as ConstraintLayout in XML layouts or responsive modifiers in Jetpack Compose to ensure a consistent user experience across devices.

Dropping Support:

  • Evaluate the practicality of supporting certain form factors based on your app’s target audience.
  • Consider the development effort required versus the potential user impact when deciding whether to exclude support for specific devices.

Embracing diversity in form factors is not just a design consideration but a strategic necessity. As we delve into the intricacies of multi-form factor development, the goal remains clear: to create applications that transcend the limitations of static screens, offering a seamless and delightful experience to users across the spectrum of devices.

Crafting Adaptive Layouts

XML Databinding for Multi-Layout Support

Responsive XML Layouts:

  • Utilize the <layout> and <data> elements in XML to bind data to layout components.
  • Employ resource qualifiers (e.g., res/layout-large for tablets) to create specific layouts for different screen sizes.
res/layout/activity_main.xml            // Default layout

res/layout-sw600dp/activity_main.xml // Layout for 7-inch tablets
res/layout-land/activity_main.xml // Layout for landscape orientation

Landscape-specific Layout:

  • Create a landscape-specific layout for improved usability when the device is rotated.
<!-- res/layout-land/activity_main.xml -->

<!-- Landscape-specific UI components -->

Foldable Devices:

  • Incorporate resource qualifiers for foldable devices to provide tailored layouts.
<!-- res/layout-large/activity_main.xml -->

<!-- Foldable device UI components -->

Responsive ConstraintLayout:

  • Utilize ConstraintLayout to create responsive designs that automatically adjust to different screen sizes and orientations.

Jetpack Compose for Dynamic UIs

Handling Screen Sizes:

In Jetpack Compose, the Modifier.fillMaxSize() ensures that the layout takes up the available space, adapting to different screen sizes. Additionally, using a padding modifier can provide a consistent margin, maintaining a clean and organized appearance across various dimensions.

Managing Orientations:

By checking the current orientation using LocalConfiguration.current.orientation, you can conditionally define different layouts within a Composable function.

SlidingPaneLayout for Foldables

  • Incorporate SlidingPaneLayout to create a sliding panel UI for foldable devices.

By leveraging these techniques in both Databinding and Jetpack Compose, you can create adaptive layouts that gracefully accommodate different screen sizes, orientations, and even the unique form factors of foldable devices. Whether adjusting dimensions or employing dynamic layouts, the goal is to provide users with a consistent and delightful experience across the diverse spectrum of devices.

Navigating the Pitfalls & Best Practices

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Fixed Dimensions:

  • Pitfall: Hardcoding dimensions can lead to layout distortion on different screen sizes.
  • Solution: Use relative dimensions, such as wrap_content and match_parent, or utilize density-independent pixels (dp) for consistent sizing across screens.
  • XML Databinding Example:
  • Jetpack Compose Example:

Ignoring Density Independence:

  • Pitfall : Relying solely on fixed pixel values may lead to inconsistent UI across devices with different pixel densities.
  • Solution: Use density-independent units (dp in XML, dp or sp in Compose) to ensure that UI elements scale appropriately on different screens.
  • XML DataBinding:
<!-- res/layout/activity_main.xml -->

android:text="Density-independent Text" />
  • Jetpack Compose:
// src/main/kotlin/com/example/myapp/ui/MainScreen.kt

text = "Density-independent Text",
fontSize = 16.sp,
modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)

Ignoring Orientation Changes:

  • Pitfall: Neglecting landscape or portrait orientations may result in suboptimal user experiences.
  • Solution: Design landscape-specific layouts for improved usability when the device is rotated.
  • XML Databinding Example:
<!-- res/layout-land/activity_main.xml -->

<!-- Landscape-specific UI components -->
  • Jetpack Compose Example:

Neglecting Foldable Device Considerations:

  • Pitfall: Overlooking the unique form factor of foldable devices may lead to suboptimal user experiences.
  • Solution: Incorporate resource qualifiers for foldable devices and tailor layouts to make the most of their capabilities.
  • XML Databinding Example:
<!-- res/layout-large/activity_main.xml -->

<!-- Foldable device UI components -->
  • Jetpack Compose Example:

Extra Tricks for a Seamless Experience

Dynamic Spacing:

  • Dynamically adjust spacing based on screen size using dimension resources.
  • XML Databinding Example:

android:text="Dynamic Spacing"
android:layout_margin="@dimen/margin_standard" />
  • Jetpack Compose Example:

text = "Dynamic Spacing",
modifier = Modifier
.padding(dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.margin_standard))

Responsive Font Sizes:

  • Use dimension resources to adjust font sizes responsively.
  • XML Databinding Example:

android:text="Responsive Font"
android:textSize="@dimen/text_size_medium" />
  • Jetpack Compose Example:

text = "Responsive Font",
fontSize = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.text_size_medium).value

Navigating the diverse landscape of screen sizes, orientations, and foldable devices requires attention to detail. By avoiding common pitfalls and implementing these extra tricks, you can create adaptive layouts that provide a seamless and enjoyable user experience across a wide range of devices.

Testing Across the Spectrum: Espresso, Firebase Device Farm, and Emulators

Ensuring your app performs seamlessly across diverse screen sizes and orientations requires a robust testing strategy. In this section, we’ll explore how to effectively test your application using Espresso, leverage Firebase Device Farm for comprehensive device coverage, and set up custom emulators tailored to your testing needs. Additionally, we’ll provide scripts for running these tests, both locally and within a continuous integration (CI) pipeline.

Espresso for Local Testing

Espresso is a powerful testing framework for Android that allows you to write concise and reliable UI tests. To test different screen sizes and orientations locally, you can use Espresso’s ViewMatchers and ViewActions in conjunction with the ViewAssertions to validate UI elements.

Espresso Code Example:

Firebase Device Farm for Comprehensive Testing

Firebase Device Farm provides a cloud-based solution for testing your app on a wide range of real devices. You can create test matrices to cover different screen sizes, orientations, and devices, ensuring thorough testing across various configurations.

Firebase Test Lab Code Example:

Emulator Setup for Custom Testing Environments

Android emulators provide a flexible way to create custom virtual devices for testing. You can configure emulators to match specific screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations to mimic real-world scenarios.

Custom Emulator Setup:

Create a new emulator with AVD Manager: Specify device details such as screen size, resolution, and orientation.

emulator -avd Pixel_6_API_32 -orientation portrait

Start the emulator: Launch the emulator with the desired configuration.

Script for Running Tests Locally:


# Assuming your Espresso tests are in the 'androidTest' directory
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest

Script for CI Pipeline (Firebase Device Farm Integration):

By incorporating these testing strategies into your development workflow, you can ensure that your app functions seamlessly across a spectrum of screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations. Whether testing locally with Espresso, exploring diverse configurations on Firebase Device Farm, or creating custom emulators, a comprehensive testing approach is essential for delivering a high-quality user experience.


It is more important than ever to design experiences that work seamlessly across a wide range of screen sizes, orientations, and foldable devices. This exploration of the nuances of multi-form factor testing and development has made the way clearer for developers trying to figure out how to deal with the challenges of the digital world.

Using the ideas of adaptable design in both Jetpack Compose and XML databinding, developers can create layouts that fluidly adjust to the ever-widening range of devices. The adaptability provided by these methods guarantees that customers, irrespective of the device they use, get a consistent and enjoyable experience on smartphones, tablets, and foldables.

Testing, a cornerstone of app development, has been explored through the lenses of Espresso, Firebase Device Farm, and emulator setups. From local testing to cloud-based solutions, developers can employ a variety of tools to ensure their apps perform flawlessly across diverse environments. Whether running Espresso tests for specific configurations, leveraging Firebase for comprehensive device coverage, or scripting emulator setups for local and CI/CD pipeline testing, the arsenal is rich with options.

As we approach to the end of this investigation, it is clear that embracing diversity is essential for success. By grasping the subtleties of various form factors, avoiding typical mistakes, and adding extra tactics, developers can make applications that are capable of surpassing constraints. In a world where creativity has no boundaries, progressive developers continue to be distinguished by their commitment to creating inclusive and flexible digital experiences.

I hope that this article acts as a compass for developers, helping them navigate the complexities of developing and testing multi-screen applications and providing inspiration for the construction of programmes that not only fulfil current needs but also remain robust in the face of future technological breakthroughs. We look forward to a time when consumers everywhere will be able to explore a universe of seamless possibilities with each tap, swipe, and fold.



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