
Explains how interceptors can be used for implementing generic behavior that applies to many RPC methods.


Explains how interceptors can be used for implementing generic behavior that applies to many RPC methods.


The core of making gRPC services is implementing RPC methods. But some functionality is independent of the method being run and should apply to all or most RPCs. Interceptors are well suited to this task.

When to Use Interceptors

You may already be familiar with the concept of interceptors, but may be used to calling them “filters” or “middleware.” Interceptors are very well suited to implementing logic that is not specific to a single RPC method. They are also easy to share across different clients or servers. Interceptors are an important and frequently-used way to extend gRPC. You might find some functionality you want is already available as an interceptor in the wider gRPC ecosystem.

Some example use cases for interceptors are:

  • Metadata handling
  • Logging
  • Fault injection
  • Caching
  • Metrics
  • Policy enforcement
  • Server-side Authentication
  • Server-side Authorization

How to Use Interceptors

Interceptors can be added when building a gRPC channel or server. The interceptor is then called for every RPC on that channel or server. The interceptor APIs are different for client-side than server-side, so an interceptor will either be a “client interceptor” or a “server interceptor.”

Interceptors are inherently per-call; they are not useful for managing TCP connections, configuring the TCP port, or configuring TLS. While the proper tool for most customization, they can’t be used for everything.

Interceptor Order

When using multiple interceptors, their order is significant. You’ll want to make sure to understand the order your gRPC implementation will execute them. It is useful to think about the interceptors as being in a line between the application and the network. Some interceptors will be “closer to the network” and have more control over what is sent and others will be “closer to the application” which have a better view into the application’s behavior.

Suppose you have two client interceptors: a caching interceptor and a logging interceptor. What order should they be in? You might want the logging interceptor closer to the network to better monitor your application’s communication and ignore cached RPCs:

flowchart LR
APP(Application) --> INT1
INT1(Caching\nInterceptor) -->|Cache miss| INT2
INT2(Logging\nInterceptor) --> NET

Or you might want it closer to the application to understand your app’s behavior and see what information it is loading:

flowchart LR
APP(Application) --> INT2
INT1(Caching\nInterceptor) -->|Cache miss| NET
INT2(Logging\nInterceptor) --> INT1

You can choose between these options by just changing the order of the interceptors.

Language Support

Language Example
C++ C++ example
Go Go example
Java Java example
Python Python example
Last modified February 29, 2024: guides: Add interceptors (#1267) (d9bbae5)