Configuring the build environment is a powerful way to customize the build process. There are many mechanisms available. By leveraging these mechanisms, you can make your Gradle builds more flexible and adaptable to different environments and requirements.

Available mechanisms

Gradle provides multiple mechanisms for configuring the behavior of Gradle itself and specific projects:

Mechanism Information Example

Command line interface

Flags that configure build behavior and Gradle features


Project properties

Properties specific to your Gradle project


System properties

Properties that are passed to the Gradle runtime (JVM)

Gradle properties

Properties that configure Gradle settings and the Java process that executes your build


Environment variables

Properties that configure build behavior based on the environment


Priority for configurations

When configuring Gradle behavior, you can use these methods, but you must consider their priority.

The following table lists these methods in order of highest to lowest precedence (the first one wins):

Priority Method Location Notes


Command-line flags

Command line

Flags have precedence over properties and environment variables


System properties

Project Root Dir

Stored in a file


Gradle properties

Project Root Dir

Stored in a file


Environment variables


Sourced by the environment that executes Gradle

Here are all possible configurations of specifying the JDK installation directory in order of priority:

  1. Command Line

    $ ./gradlew yourTask
  2. Gradle Properties File
  3. Environment Variable

    $ export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/your/java/home

Project properties

Project properties are specific to your Gradle project, they are variables or configuration blocks defined in your build script or in the project object.

For example, the project property myProperty is created in a build file:

ext {
    myProperty = findProperty('myProperty') ?: 'Hello, world!'

println "My property value: ${project.ext.myProperty}"

Setting a project properties

You have three options to add project properties, listed in order of priority:

  1. Command Line: You can add project properties directly to your Project object via the -P command line option.

    $ ./gradlew build -PmyProperty='Hi, world'
  2. System Property: Gradle creates specially-named system properties for project properties which you can set using the -D command line flag or file. For the project property prop , the system property created is called org.gradle.project. prop .

    $ ./gradlew build -Dorg.gradle.project.myProperty='Hi, world'
    org.gradle.project.myProperty='Hi, world'
  3. Environment Variables: You can set project properties with environment variables. If the environment variable name looks like ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT _prop =somevalue , then Gradle will set a prop property on your project object, with the value of somevalue .

    $ export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_myProperty='Hi, world'

    This feature is very useful when you don’t have admin rights to a continuous integration server and need to set property values that are not easily visible. Since you cannot use the -P option in that scenario nor change the system-level configuration files, the correct strategy is to change the configuration of your continuous integration build job, adding an environment variable setting that matches an expected pattern. This won’t be visible to normal users on the system.

Command-line flags

The command line interface and the available flags are described in its own section .

System properties

System properties are variables set at the JVM level and accessible to the Gradle build process. System properties can be accessed using the System class in the build script.

Setting system properties

You have two options to add system properties listed in order of priority:

  1. Command Line: Using the -D command-line option, you can pass a system property to the JVM, which runs Gradle. The -D option of the gradle command has the same effect as the -D option of the java command.

    $ ./gradlew build -Dgradle.wrapperUser=myuser
  2. Gradle Properties File: You can also set system properties in files with the prefix systemProp .

System properties reference

For a quick reference, the following are common system properties:


Specify username to download Gradle distributions from servers using HTTP Basic Authentication .


Specify password for downloading a Gradle distribution using the Gradle wrapper.

gradle.user.home=(path to directory)

Specify the GRADLE_USER_HOME directory.


Specify the supported TLS versions in a comma-separated format. e.g., TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 .

Additional Java system properties are listed here .

In a multi-project build, systemProp properties set in any project except the root will be ignored . Only the root project’s file will be checked for properties that begin with systemProp .

Using system properties

The following examples demonstrate how to use system properties:

Example 1: Setting system properties with a file:

Example 2: Reading system properties at configuration time:

// Using the Java API
// Using the Java API

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
// Using the Java API

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
// Using the Java API
println System.getProperty('system')
// Using the Java API
println System.getProperty('system')

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
println providers.systemProperty('system').get()
// Using the Java API
println System.getProperty('system')

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
println providers.systemProperty('system').get()

Example 3: Reading system properties for consumption at execution time:

tasks.register<PrintValue>("printProperty") {
    // Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String> wired to a task input
    inputValue = providers.systemProperty("system")
tasks.register('printProperty', PrintValue) {
    // Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String> wired to a task input
    inputValue = providers.systemProperty('system')

Example 4: Setting system properties from the command line -D gradle.wrapperUser=username :

$ gradle -Dsystem=commandLineValue

Gradle properties

Gradle provides several options that make it easy to configure the Java process that will be used to execute your build. While it’s possible to configure these in your local environment via GRADLE_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS , it is useful to be able to store certain settings like JVM memory configuration and JAVA_HOME location in version control so that an entire team can work with a consistent environment.

Setting Gradle properties

You have two options to add Gradle properties listed in order of priority:

  1. Command Line: Using the -D command-line option, you can pass a Gradle property:

    $ ./gradlew build -Dorg.gradle.caching.debug=false
  2. Gradle Properties File: Place these settings into a file and commit it to your version control system.

The final configuration considered by Gradle is a combination of all Gradle properties set on the command line and your files. If an option is configured in multiple locations, the first one found in any of these locations wins:

Priority Method Location Details


Command line interface


In the command line using -D .

2 file


Stored in a file in the GRADLE_USER_HOME .

3 file

Project Root Dir

Stored in a file in a project directory, then its parent project’s directory up to the project’s root directory.

4 file


Stored in a file in the GRADLE_HOME , the optional Gradle installation directory.

The location of the GRADLE_USER_HOME may have been changed beforehand via the -Dgradle.user.home system property passed on the command line.

Gradle properties reference

For reference, the following properties are common Gradle properties:


When set to true , Gradle will reuse task outputs from any previous build when possible, resulting in much faster builds .

Default is false ; the build cache is not enabled.


When set to true , individual input property hashes and the build cache key for each task are logged on the console .

Default is false .


Enables configuration caching . Gradle will try to reuse the build configuration from previous builds.

Default is false .


Enables incubating configuration-on-demand, where Gradle will attempt to configure only necessary projects.

Default is false .


Customize console output coloring or verbosity.

Default depends on how Gradle is invoked.


If enabled, continue task execution after a task failure, else stop task execution after a task failure.

Default is false .


When set to true the Gradle Daemon is used to run the build.

Default is true .

org.gradle.daemon.idletimeout=(# of idle millis)

Gradle Daemon will terminate itself after a specified number of idle milliseconds.

Default is 10800000 (3 hours).


When set to true , Gradle will run the build with remote debugging enabled, listening on port 5005. Note that this is equivalent to adding -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 to the JVM command line and will suspend the virtual machine until a debugger is attached.

Default is false . to JDK home)

Specifies the Java home for the Gradle build process. The value can be set to either a jdk or jre location; however, using a JDK is safer depending on what your build does. This does not affect the version of Java used to launch the Gradle client VM .

You can also control the JVM used to run Gradle itself using the Daemon JVM criteria .

Default is derived from your environment ( JAVA_HOME or the path to java ) if the setting is unspecified.

org.gradle.jvmargs=(JVM arguments)

Specifies the JVM arguments used for the Gradle Daemon. The setting is particularly useful for configuring JVM memory settings for build performance. This does not affect the JVM settings for the Gradle client VM.

Default is -Xmx512m "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=384m" .


When set to quiet, warn, info, or debug, Gradle will use this log level . The values are not case-sensitive.

Default is lifecycle level.


When configured, Gradle will fork up to org.gradle.workers.max JVMs to execute projects in parallel .

Default is false .


Specifies the scheduling priority for the Gradle daemon and all processes launched by it.

Default is normal .


Specify the project-specific cache directory. Defaults to .gradle in the root project directory."

Default is .gradle .


Enables project isolation, which enables configuration caching.

Default is false .


Configures verbose logging when watching the file system .

Default is false .,false)

Toggles watching the file system . When enabled, Gradle reuses information it collects about the file system between builds.

Default is true on operating systems where Gradle supports this feature.


When set to all , summary , or none , Gradle will use different warning type display .

Default is summary .

org.gradle.workers.max=(max # of worker processes)

When configured, Gradle will use a maximum of the given number of workers .

Default is the number of CPU processors.

Using Gradle properties

The following examples demonstrate how to use Gradle properties.

Example 1: Setting Gradle properties with a file:

Example 2: Reading Gradle properties at configuration time:

// Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String>

// Using Kotlin delegated properties on `settings`
val gradlePropertiesProp: String by settings
// Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String>

// Using Kotlin delegated properties on `project`
val gradlePropertiesProp: String by project
// Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
println providers.gradleProperty('gradlePropertiesProp').get()

// Using Groovy dynamic names
println gradlePropertiesProp
println settings.gradlePropertiesProp

// Using Groovy dynamic array notation on `settings`
println settings['gradlePropertiesProp']
// Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
println providers.gradleProperty('gradlePropertiesProp').get()

// Using Groovy dynamic names
println gradlePropertiesProp
println project.gradlePropertiesProp

// Using Groovy dynamic array notation on `project`
println project['gradlePropertiesProp']

The Kotlin delegated properties are part of the Gradle Kotlin DSL. You need to explicitly specify the type as String . If you need to branch depending on the presence of the property, you can also use String? and check for null .

Note that using the dynamic Groovy names is impossible if a Gradle property has a dot in its name. You have to use the API or the dynamic array notation instead.

Example 3: Reading Gradle properties for consumption at execution time:

tasks.register<PrintValue>("printProperty") {
    // Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String> wired to a task input
    inputValue = providers.gradleProperty("gradlePropertiesProp")
tasks.register('printProperty', PrintValue) {
    // Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String> wired to a task input
    inputValue = providers.gradleProperty('gradlePropertiesProp')

Example 4: Setting Gradle properties from the command line:

$ gradle -DgradlePropertiesProp=commandLineValue

Note that initialization scripts can’t read Gradle properties directly. The earliest Gradle properties can be read in initialization scripts is on settingsEvaluated {} :

Example 5: Reading Gradle properties from initialization scripts:

settingsEvaluated {
    // Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String>

    // Using Kotlin delegated properties on `settings`
    val gradlePropertiesProp: String by this
settingsEvaluated { settings ->
    // Using the API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
    println settings.providers.gradleProperty('gradlePropertiesProp').get()

    // Using Groovy dynamic names
    println settings.gradlePropertiesProp

    // Using Groovy dynamic array notation on `settings`
    println settings['gradlePropertiesProp']

Properties declared in a file present in a subproject directory are only available to that project and its children.

Environment variables

Gradle provides a number of environment variables, which are listed below.

Setting environment variables

Let’s take an example that sets the $JAVA_HOME environment variable:

$ set JAVA_HOME=C:\Path\To\Your\Java\Home   // Windows
$ export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/your/java/home  // Mac/Linux

You can access environment variables as properties in the build script using the System.getenv() method:

task printEnvVariables {
    doLast {
        println "JAVA_HOME: ${System.getenv('JAVA_HOME')}"

Environment variables reference

The following environment variables are available for the gradle command:


Installation directory for Gradle.

Can be used to specify a local Gradle version instead of using the wrapper.

You can add GRADLE_HOME/bin to your PATH for specific applications and use cases (such as testing an early release for Gradle).


Used to pass JVM options and custom settings to the JVM.


Specifies JVM arguments to use when starting the Gradle client VM.

The client VM only handles command line input/output, so one would rarely need to change its VM options.

The actual build is run by the Gradle daemon, which is not affected by this environment variable.


Specifies the GRADLE_USER_HOME directory for Gradle to store its global configuration properties, initialization scripts, caches, log files and more.

Defaults to USER_HOME/.gradle if not set.


Specifies the JDK installation directory to use for the client VM.

This VM is also used for the daemon unless a different one is specified in a Gradle properties file with or using the Daemon JVM criteria .


Overrides for the default Gradle library repository.

Can be used to specify a default Gradle repository URL in org.gradle.plugins.ide.internal.resolver .

Useful override to specify an internally hosted repository if your company uses a firewall/proxy.

Using environment variables

The following examples demonstrate how to use environment variables.

Example 1: Reading environment variables at configuration time:

// Using the Java API
// Using the Java API

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
// Using the Java API

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
// Using the Java API
println System.getenv('ENVIRONMENTAL')
// Using the Java API
println System.getenv('ENVIRONMENTAL')

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
println providers.environmentVariable('ENVIRONMENTAL').get()
// Using the Java API
println System.getenv('ENVIRONMENTAL')

// Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String>
println providers.environmentVariable('ENVIRONMENTAL').get()

Example 2: Reading environment variables for consumption at execution time:

tasks.register<PrintValue>("printValue") {
    // Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String> wired to a task input
    inputValue = providers.environmentVariable("ENVIRONMENTAL")
tasks.register('printValue', PrintValue) {
    // Using the Gradle API, provides a lazy Provider<String> wired to a task input
    inputValue = providers.environmentVariable('ENVIRONMENTAL')