
Installing GitHub Enterprise Server on OpenStack KVM - GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12 Docs
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Installing GitHub Enterprise Server on OpenStack KVM

To install GitHub Enterprise Server on OpenStack KVM, you must have OpenStack access and download the GitHub Enterprise Server QCOW2 image.


Hardware considerations

Minimum requirements

We recommend different hardware configurations depending on the number of user licenses for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. If you provision more resources than the minimum requirements, your instance will perform and scale better.

User licenses x86-64 vCPUs Memory Root storage Attached (data) storage
Trial, demo, or 10 light users 4 32 GB 200 GB 150 GB
10 to 3,000 8 48 GB 200 GB 300 GB
3,000 to 5000 12 64 GB 200 GB 500 GB
5,000 to 8000 16 96 GB 200 GB 750 GB
8,000 to 10,000+ 20 160 GB 200 GB 1000 GB

If you plan to enable GitHub Actions for the users of your instance, more resources are required.

For more information about these requirements, see " Getting started with GitHub Actions for GitHub Enterprise Server ."

If you plan to enable Container registry for the users of your instance, more resources are required. For more information about these requirements, see " Getting started with GitHub Packages for your enterprise ."

For more information about adjusting resources for an existing instance, see " Increasing storage capacity " and " Increasing CPU or memory resources ."


We recommend a high-performance SSD with high input/output operations per second (IOPS) and low latency for GitHub Enterprise Server. Workloads are I/O intensive. If you use a bare metal hypervisor, we recommend directly attaching the disk or using a disk from a storage area network (SAN).

Your instance requires a persistent data disk separate from the root disk. For more information, see " System overview ."

To configure GitHub Actions, you must provide external blob storage. For more information, see " Getting started with GitHub Actions for GitHub Enterprise Server ."

The available space on the root filesystem will be 50% of the total disk size. You can resize your instance's root disk by building a new instance or using an existing instance. For more information, see " System overview " and " Increasing storage capacity ."

CPU and memory

The CPU and memory resources that GitHub Enterprise Server requires depend on the levels of activity for users, automations, and integrations.

Any VMs you provision for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance must use the x86-64 CPU architecture. Other architectures are not supported, such as Aarch64 or arm64.

If you plan to enable GitHub Actions for the users of your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you may need to provision additional CPU and memory resources for your instance. For more information, see " Getting started with GitHub Actions for GitHub Enterprise Server ."

When you increase CPU resources, GitHub recommends adding at least 6.5 GB of memory for each vCPU (up to 16 vCPUs) that you provision for the instance. When you use more than 16 vCPUs, you don't need to add 6.5 GB of memory for each vCPU, but you should monitor your instance to ensure it has enough memory.

Warning: We recommend that users configure webhook events to notify external systems of activity on GitHub Enterprise Server. Automated checks for changes, or polling , will negatively impact the performance and scalability of your instance. For more information, see " About webhooks ."

For more information about monitoring the capacity and performance of GitHub Enterprise Server, see " Monitoring your instance ."

You can increase your instance's CPU or memory resources. For more information, see " Increasing CPU or memory resources ."

Downloading the GitHub Enterprise Server image

  1. Download your license. For more information, see " Downloading your license for GitHub Enterprise ."

  2. Navigate to the image you want to use for your new instance.

    • Navigate to Release notes .
    • In the right sidebar, click the version you want to download.
    • Click Download GitHub Enterprise Server X.X.X .
  3. Under "GitHub On-premises", select the "Select your hypervisor" dropdown menu and click OpenStack KVM (QCOW2) .

  4. Click Download for OpenStack KVM (QCOW2) .

Creating the GitHub Enterprise Server instance

To create the instance, you'll need to import the GitHub Enterprise Server image to your virtual machine and attach an additional storage volume for your instance data. For more information, see " Hardware considerations ."

  1. In OpenStack Horizon, upload the GitHub Enterprise Server image you downloaded. For instructions, see the "Upload an image" section of the OpenStack guide Upload and manage images .

  2. Create a new virtual disk to use as an attached storage volume for your instance data, and configure the size based on your user license count. If reusing an existing disk, ensure that the disk is empty and there are no partitions. For instructions, see the OpenStack guide " Create and manage volumes ."

  3. Create a security group, and add a new security group rule for each port in the table below. For instructions, see the OpenStack guide Configure access and security for instances .

    Port Service Description
    22 SSH Git over SSH access. Clone, fetch, and push operations to public/private repositories supported.
    25 SMTP SMTP with encryption (STARTTLS) support.
    80 HTTP Web application access. All requests are redirected to the HTTPS port when SSL is enabled.
    122 SSH Instance shell access. The default SSH port (22) is dedicated to application git+ssh network traffic.
    161/UDP SNMP Required for network monitoring protocol operation.
    443 HTTPS Web application and Git over HTTPS access.
    1194/UDP VPN Secure replication network tunnel in high availability configuration. Encrypted using WireGuard.
    8080 HTTP Plain-text web based Management Console. Not required unless SSL is disabled manually.
    8443 HTTPS Secure web based Management Console. Required for basic installation and configuration.
    9418 Git Simple Git protocol port. Clone and fetch operations to public repositories only. Unencrypted network communication. If you have enabled private mode on your instance, then opening this port is only required if you also enabled anonymous Git read access. For more information, see " Enforcing repository management policies in your enterprise ."
  4. Optionally, associate a floating IP to the instance. Depending on your OpenStack setup, you may need to allocate a floating IP to the project and associate it to the instance. Contact your system administrator to determine if this is the case for you. For more information, see Allocate a floating IP address to an instance in the OpenStack documentation.

  5. Launch your GitHub Enterprise Server instance using the image, data volume, and security group created in the previous steps. For instructions, see the OpenStack guide Launch and manage instances .

Configuring the GitHub Enterprise Server instance

To configure the instance, you must upload a license file, set the root Management Console password, configure the instance's settings, and restart the instance.

Warning : To prevent an attacker from compromising the new instance, ensure that you personally set the root Management Console password and create the first user as soon as possible.

  1. Copy the virtual machine's public DNS name, and paste it into a web browser.
  2. At the prompt, upload your license file and set a management console password. For more information, see " Managing your license for GitHub Enterprise ."
  3. In the Management Console , configure and save your desired settings. For more information, see " Configuring GitHub Enterprise ."
  4. The instance will restart automatically.
  5. Click Visit your instance .

Further reading

- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 교육부 고전문헌국역지원사업의 지원으로 구축되었습니다.
- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
- 현재 고유명사(인명, 지명등)을 비롯한 여러 변환오류가 있으며 이를 해결하고자 많은 연구 개발을 진행하고자 하고 있습니다. 이를 인지하시고 다른 곳에서 인용시 한자 변환 결과를 한번 더 검토하시고 사용해 주시기 바랍니다.
- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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