GMSMapLayer Class Reference

GMSMapLayer Class Reference


GMSMapLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, provided as the layer class on GMSMapView .

This layer should not be instantiated directly. It provides model access to the camera normally defined on GMSMapView .

Modifying or animating these properties will typically interrupt any current gesture on GMSMapView , e.g., a user's pan or rotation. Similarly, if a user performs an enabled gesture during an animation, the animation will stop 'in-place' (at the current presentation value).

Inherits GMSCALayer .


CLLocationDegrees  cameraLatitude
CLLocationDegrees  cameraLongitude
CLLocationDirection  cameraBearing
float  cameraZoomLevel
double  cameraViewingAngle

(Note that these are not member functions.)

NSString *const  kGMSLayerCameraLatitudeKey
  kGMSLayerCameraLatitudeKey ranges from [-85, 85], and values outside this range will be clamped.
NSString *const  kGMSLayerCameraLongitudeKey
  kGMSLayerCameraLongitudeKey ranges from [-180, 180), and values outside this range will be wrapped to within this range.
NSString *const  kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey
  kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey ranges from [0, 360), and values are wrapped.
NSString *const  kGMSLayerCameraZoomLevelKey
  kGMSLayerCameraZoomLevelKey ranges from [kGMSMinZoomLevel, kGMSMaxZoomLevel], and values are clamped.
NSString *const  kGMSLayerCameraViewingAngleKey
  kGMSLayerCameraViewingAngleKey ranges from zero (i.e., facing straight down) and to between 30 and 45 degrees towards the horizon, depending on the model zoom level.

- (NSString* const) kGMSLayerCameraLatitudeKey [related]

kGMSLayerCameraLatitudeKey ranges from [-85, 85], and values outside this range will be clamped.

- (NSString* const) kGMSLayerCameraLongitudeKey [related]

kGMSLayerCameraLongitudeKey ranges from [-180, 180), and values outside this range will be wrapped to within this range.

- (NSString* const) kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey [related]

kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey ranges from [0, 360), and values are wrapped.

- (NSString* const) kGMSLayerCameraZoomLevelKey [related]

kGMSLayerCameraZoomLevelKey ranges from [kGMSMinZoomLevel, kGMSMaxZoomLevel], and values are clamped.

- (NSString* const) kGMSLayerCameraViewingAngleKey [related]

kGMSLayerCameraViewingAngleKey ranges from zero (i.e., facing straight down) and to between 30 and 45 degrees towards the horizon, depending on the model zoom level.

Property Documentation

- (CLLocationDegrees) cameraLatitude [read, write, assign]
- (CLLocationDegrees) cameraLongitude [read, write, assign]
- (CLLocationDirection) cameraBearing [read, write, assign]
- (float) cameraZoomLevel [read, write, assign]
- (double) cameraViewingAngle [read, write, assign]