Class List

Class List
The classes and protocols in the Google Maps SDK for iOS:
GMSAddress A result from a reverse geocode request, containing a human-readable address
GMSAdvancedMarker An advanced marker is an icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface
GMSCALayer GMSCALayer is a superclass used by layers in the Google Maps SDK for iOS, such as GMSMapLayer and GMSPanoramaLayer
GMSCameraPosition An immutable class that aggregates all camera position parameters
GMSCameraUpdate GMSCameraUpdate represents an update that may be applied to a GMSMapView
GMSCircle A circle on the Earth's surface (spherical cap)
GMSCoordinateBounds GMSCoordinateBounds represents a rectangular bounding box on the Earth's surface
GMSDatasetFeature An interface representing a feature from a dataset.
GMSDatasetFeatureLayer An interface representing a feature layer for a dataset.
<GMSFeature> An interface representing a feature's metadata
GMSFeatureLayer A class representing a collection of all features of the same GMSFeatureType , whose style can be overridden on the client
GMSFeatureStyle Specifies how a map feature should appear when displayed on a map
GMSGeocoder Exposes a service for reverse geocoding
GMSGroundOverlay GMSGroundOverlay specifies the available options for a ground overlay that exists on the Earth's surface
GMSIndoorBuilding Describes a building which contains levels
GMSIndoorDisplay Provides ability to observe or control the display of indoor level data
<GMSIndoorDisplayDelegate> Delegate for events on GMSIndoorDisplay
GMSIndoorLevel Describes a single level in a building
GMSMapID An opaque identifier for a custom map configuration
GMSMapLayer GMSMapLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, provided as the layer class on GMSMapView
GMSMapPoint A point on the map
GMSMapStyle GMSMapStyle holds details about a style which can be applied to a map
GMSMapView This is the main class of the Google Maps SDK for iOS and is the entry point for all methods related to the map
<GMSMapViewDelegate> Delegate for events on GMSMapView
GMSMapViewOptions This class defines initialization-time options for GMSMapView
GMSMarker A marker is an icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface
GMSMarkerLayer GMSMarkerLayer is a subclass of GMSOverlayLayer , available on a per-marker basis, that allows animation of several properties of its associated GMSMarker
GMSMutableCameraPosition Mutable version of GMSCameraPosition
GMSMutableFeatureStyle Mutable version of GMSFeatureStyle
GMSMutablePath GMSMutablePath is a dynamic (resizable) array of CLLocationCoordinate2D
GMSOrientation GMSOrientation is a tuple of heading and pitch used to control the viewing direction of a GMSPanoramaCamera
GMSOverlay GMSOverlay is an abstract class that represents some overlay that may be attached to a specific GMSMapView
GMSOverlayLayer GMSOverlayLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, and an abstract baseclass for GMSOverlay layers that allow custom animations
GMSPanorama GMSPanorama represents metadata for a specific panorama on the Earth
GMSPanoramaCamera GMSPanoramaCamera is used to control the viewing direction of a GMSPanoramaView
GMSPanoramaCameraUpdate GMSPanoramaCameraUpdate represents an update that may be applied to a GMSPanoramaView
GMSPanoramaLayer GMSPanoramaLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, provided as the layer class on GMSPanoramaView
GMSPanoramaLink Links from a GMSPanorama to neighboring panoramas
GMSPanoramaService GMSPanoramaService can be used to request panorama metadata even when a GMSPanoramaView is not active
GMSPanoramaView A panorama is used to display Street View imagery
<GMSPanoramaViewDelegate> Delegate for events on GMSPanoramaView
GMSPath GMSPath encapsulates an immutable array of CLLocationCooordinate2D
GMSPinImage Provides a custom pin image for an advanced marker
GMSPinImageGlyph Provides a custom pin image glyph for an advanced marker
GMSPinImageOptions Provides pin image customization for an advanced marker
GMSPlaceFeature An interface representing a place feature (a feature with a Place ID)
GMSPolygon GMSPolygon defines a polygon that appears on the map
GMSPolygonLayer GMSPolygonLayer is a subclass of GMSOverlayLayer , available on a per-polygon basis, that allows animation of several properties of its associated GMSPolygon
GMSPolyline GMSPolyline specifies the available options for a polyline that exists on the Earth's surface
GMSProjection Defines a mapping between Earth coordinates (CLLocationCoordinate2D) and coordinates in the map's view (CGPoint)
GMSReverseGeocodeResponse A collection of results from a reverse geocode request
GMSServices Service class for the Google Maps SDK for iOS
GMSSpriteStyle Describes the drawing style for a stamp image over a GMSStyleSpan
GMSStampStyle The abstract base class for polyline styles that draw a repeating image over a GMSStyleSpan
GMSStrokeStyle Describes the drawing style for one-dimensional entities such as polylines
GMSStyleSpan Describes the style for some region of a polyline
GMSSyncTileLayer GMSSyncTileLayer is an abstract subclass of GMSTileLayer that provides a sync interface to generate image tile data
GMSTextureStyle A polyline style that draws a repeating image over a GMSStyleSpan
GMSTileLayer GMSTileLayer is an abstract class that allows overlaying of custom image tiles on a specified GMSMapView
<GMSTileReceiver> GMSTileReceiver is provided to GMSTileLayer when a tile request is made, allowing the callback to be later (or immediately) invoked
GMSUISettings Settings for the user interface of a GMSMapView
GMSURLTileLayer GMSURLTileProvider fetches tiles based on the URLs returned from a GMSTileURLConstructor
GMSVisibleRegion GMSVisibleRegion contains the four points defining the polygon that is visible in a map's camera