Build cross-platform apps with Angular

Learn about the new and existing developer tools that Angular provides to help developers quickly set up a maintainable, scalable app.


Get started with the Angular command-line interface (CLI)


Learn how to use the Angular CLI, a command-line interface tool that you can use to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular apps directly from a command shell.

Develop with Angular in your IDE


Learn what’s new with the Angular Language Service IDE extension, and how adding Ivy support has made the extension faster and more efficient than ever.

Debugging with Angular DevTools


Learn how to use Angular DevTools, a Google Chrome extension that provides a debugging and profiling experience for Angular projects.

Server-side rendering with Angular Universal


Learn about Angular Universal, a technology that renders Angular apps on the server.

Hybrid rendering in Angular


Learn how to use hybrid rendering in your Angular apps, a solution in which some routes of your app are rendered at build time and served up by the server, and other routes are rendered when the user makes a request.

Build cross-platform apps with Angular quiz

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