Label lifecycle

Labels, fields, and choices go through specific states throughout their lives. Additionally, labels might have different revisions. The following diagram shows the label lifecycle, including revisioning:

Labels lifecycle diagram.
Figure 3. Lifecycle of a label
  1. Create a label ( create() ) ?The label is created and stored in a database as revision_id=1 . The label has the state of UNPUBLISHED_DRAFT . In this state:
    • Users can't view the label
    • Users can't apply the label to Drive items.
  2. (optional) Update a label, field, or choice ( delta() ) ? Every update, even before it's published, is stored in a database, and the label's revision is incremented.
  3. Publish a label ( publish() ) ?The label has the state of PUBLISHED and users can apply the label. Publishing the label increments its revision.
  4. (optional) Update a label, field, or choice ( delta() ) ? The label, field, or choice is updated and stored in a database as a draft label. The label has the state of PUBLISHED with hasUnpublishedChanges=true meaning there are draft changes, but they aren't available to users. Each update increments the label's revision.
  5. (optional) Publish a label ( publish() ) ?If available, the most-current draft is published. The label has the state of PUBLISHED and users can apply the label. Publishing the label increments its version.
  6. Disable a label ( disable() ) ?The label has the state of DISABLED though users can apply the label through the API. However, a disabled label isn't shown in a UI unless configured to be shown. Deprecating the label increments its revision.
  7. Enable a label ( enable() ) ?The label is returned to a PUBLISHED state and users can apply the label. Publishing the label increments its revision.
  8. Delete a label ( delete() ) ?The label has a state of DELETED and can't be applied. Deleted labels are eventually purged.

It's important to emphasize that every update to a label increments the label's revision. And, if the label has already been published, publishing it again after n updates means that its published revision number is revision + n + 1 number of successive updates.