Associate Android Developer

This certification is being updated. New registrations for the exam are currently closed, until the update is complete. If you already registered for the exam but haven’t taken it yet, please see the FAQ section below.

Why exams get updated

We regularly review our exams and training programs to ensure that they reflect the latest skills and recommended practices for Android development. To improve our program offerings, we are doing an update to the exam and have paused accepting new registrations for the exam until the new one is ready. This page will be updated with more details when registration is open again. Thank you for your patience!
Study and prepare
Take the exam
Complete exit interview
Earn your certification

Android proficiency

The exam is designed to test the skills of an entry-level Android developer. Therefore, to take this exam, you should have this level of proficiency, either through education, self-study, your current job, or a job you have had in the past. Assess your proficiency by reviewing "Exam Content." If you'd like to take the exam, but feel you need to prepare a bit more, level up your Android knowledge with some great Android training resources .


The exam consists of a coding project and an exit interview. Both of these exam components are available only in English at this time.

Android Studio

You must use the latest version of Android Studio to complete the Associate Android Developer Certification Exam.

Age requirement

If you are under 13, you are not eligible to take the exam or to become certified. If you are between 13-17 years of age, you may test and receive certification with parental consent. If you are participating in a location that requires by law a lower minimum age for entry into such programs, then the minimum age limit for that person will be the stated minimum required age. Individuals 18 years or older are eligible for certification without any age-related restrictions.

ID verification

You must be able to present government-issued photo identification from a non-embargoed country. (See the current list of "U.S.-embargoed countries" in the Google Additional Terms of Service) . For Canada, United States, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, and Switzerland, you may use a driver's license. For all other countries you must provide a current passport.

You will scan and upload a photo of your ID using your webcam, or you will upload a copy of your ID that you've previously scanned in JPG, PNG, or BMP format.

Exam Content

Before you take the exam, make sure you can solve the types of coding challenges that the exam contains. To prepare, use the Associate Android Developer study guide.

App functionality

Construct apps that use Android’s messaging, multitasking, connectivity and media services to design full-featured apps primarily for mobile devices.

User interface

Quickly create apps with clean, effective user interfaces that take advantage of Android’s rich UI frameworks.

Data management

Leverage Android’s effective frameworks and techniques to perform or schedule data retrieval/storage efficiently in a mobile environment.


Understand the debugging tools in Android Studio and create more reliable and robust apps.


Be able to test the execution of a running program with the intent of finding errors and abnormal or unexpected behavior.


All about the exam

The exam is performance-based and designed to evaluate what you can do, show, and describe. You will be given a coding project based on a starter app. In this project, you will be asked to add functionality and fix bugs. The type of functionality you are asked to add and the bugs you are asked to find and fix fall under the competencies listed in “Exam Content.”

Please note: You must have a strong and reliable internet connection to complete the exam. The exam is timed, and you cannot pause or restart it. The 8-hour timer will begin immediately after you click Start Exam.