Troubleshooting the Google Assistant Service

Credentials issues

When trying to generate credentials with the authorization tool, the tool prompts you to visit a URL and sign in to your Google account. The page then displays an error message (for example, "Something went wrong").

Permissions issues

The Google Assistant responds Actually, there are some basic settings that need your permission first...

Voice recognition issues

Assistant responds I don't know how to help with that or I don't understand.

  • Verify that your voice was recognized properly. Check the sample code output for a transcript of the user request. You can also look at my activity . You can play the audio received by the Assistant to check for audio quality issues. If you hear excessive noise or if the audio is distorted, check that your microphone is configured properly or try a different microphone.

Trait issues

Assistant does not recognize a trait that you added to a model.

Device Actions issues

The Google Assistant responds saying that your app is not supported on your device.

  • In the Actions Console , you can set the surface capabilities of your Assistant app. If you set screen output to be required, your custom actions will not function. The Google Assistant SDK does not support screen capabilities at this time.

See also


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