Class AreaChartBuilder


Builder for area charts. For more details, see the Google Charts documentation .

Here is an example that shows how to build an area chart.

  // Create a data table with some sample data.
  var sampleData = Charts.newDataTable()
      .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.STRING, "Month")
      .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Dining")
      .addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, "Total")
      .addRow(["Jan", 60, 520])
      .addRow(["Feb", 50, 430])
      .addRow(["Mar", 53, 440])
      .addRow(["Apr", 70, 410])
      .addRow(["May", 80, 390])
      .addRow(["Jun", 60, 500])
      .addRow(["Jul", 100, 450])
      .addRow(["Aug", 140, 431])
      .addRow(["Sep", 75, 488])
      .addRow(["Oct", 70, 521])
      .addRow(["Nov", 58, 388])
      .addRow(["Dec", 63, 400])

  var chart = Charts.newAreaChart()
      .setTitle('Yearly Spending')
      .setYAxisTitle('Spending (USD)')
      .setDimensions(600, 500)
      .setColors(['red', 'green'])


Method Return type Brief description
build() Chart Builds the chart.
reverseCategories() AreaChartBuilder Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis.
setBackgroundColor(cssValue) AreaChartBuilder Sets the background color for the chart.
setColors(cssValues) AreaChartBuilder Sets the colors for the lines in the chart.
setDataSourceUrl(url) AreaChartBuilder Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets.
setDataTable(tableBuilder) AreaChartBuilder Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder.
setDataTable(table) AreaChartBuilder Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels.
setDataViewDefinition(dataViewDefinition) AreaChartBuilder Sets the data view definition to use for the chart.
setDimensions(width, height) AreaChartBuilder Sets the dimensions for the chart.
setLegendPosition(position) AreaChartBuilder Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart.
setLegendTextStyle(textStyle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the text style of the chart legend.
setOption(option, value) AreaChartBuilder Sets advanced options for this chart.
setPointStyle(style) AreaChartBuilder Sets the style for points in the line.
setRange(start, end) AreaChartBuilder Sets the range for the chart.
setStacked() AreaChartBuilder Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated).
setTitle(chartTitle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the title of the chart.
setTitleTextStyle(textStyle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the text style of the chart title.
setXAxisTextStyle(textStyle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the horizontal axis text style.
setXAxisTitle(title) AreaChartBuilder Adds a title to the horizontal axis.
setXAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the horizontal axis title text style.
setYAxisTextStyle(textStyle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the vertical axis text style.
setYAxisTitle(title) AreaChartBuilder Adds a title to the vertical axis.
setYAxisTitleTextStyle(textStyle) AreaChartBuilder Sets the vertical axis title text style.
useLogScale() AreaChartBuilder Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive).

Detailed documentation


Builds the chart.


Chart — A Chart object, which can be embedded into documents, UI elements, or used as a static image.


Reverses the drawing of series in the domain axis. For vertical-range charts (such as line, area or column charts), this means the horizontal axis is drawn from right to left. For horizontal-range charts (such as bar charts), this means the vertical axis is drawn from top to bottom. For pie charts, this means the slices are drawn counterclockwise.

// Creates a pie chart builder and sets drawing of the slices in a counter-clockwise manner.
var builder = Charts.newPieChart();


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the background color for the chart.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the background color to gray
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
cssValue String The CSS value for the color (such as "blue" or "#00f" ).


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the colors for the lines in the chart.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the first two lines to be drawn in green and red,
// respectively.
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();
builder.setColors(["green", "red"]);


Name Type Description
cssValues String[] An array of color CSS values, such as ["red", "#acf"] . The nth element in the array represents the color of the nth line in the chart.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the data source URL that is used to pull data in from an external source, such as Google Sheets. If a data source URL and a DataTable are provided, the data source URL is ignored.

For more information about querying data sources, check out the Google Charts documentation .


Name Type Description
url String The data source URL, including any query parameters.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the data table to use for the chart using a DataTableBuilder. This is a convenience method for setting the data table without needing to call build() .


Name Type Description
tableBuilder DataTableBuilder A data table builder. A new data table is created instantly as part of this call, so any further updates to the builder won't be reflected in the chart.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the data table which contains the lines for the chart, as well as the X-axis labels. The first column should be a string, and contain the horizontal axis labels. Any number of columns can follow, all must be numeric. Each column is displayed as a separate line.


Name Type Description
table DataTableSource The data table to use for the chart.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the data view definition to use for the chart.


Name Type Description
dataViewDefinition DataViewDefinition A data view definition object that defines the view that should be derived from the given data source for the chart drawing.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.

setDimensions(width, height)

Sets the dimensions for the chart.


Name Type Description
width Integer The width of the chart, in pixels.
height Integer The height of the chart, in pixels.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the position of the legend with respect to the chart. By default, there is no legend.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the legend position to right.
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
position Position The position of the legend.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the text style of the chart legend.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets it up for a  blue, 26-point legend.
var textStyleBuilder = Charts.newTextStyle().setColor('#0000FF').setFontSize(26);
var style =;
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
textStyle TextStyle The text style to use for the chart legend.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.

setOption(option, value)

Sets advanced options for this chart. See the available options for this chart . This method has no effect if the given option is invalid.

// Build an area chart with a 1-second animation duration.
var builder = Charts.newAreaChart();
builder.setOption('animation.duration', 1000);
var chart =;


Name Type Description
option String The option to set.
value Object The value to set.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the style for points in the line. By default, points have no particular styles, and only the line is visible.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets large point style.
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
style PointStyle The style to use for points in the line.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.

See also

setRange(start, end)

Sets the range for the chart.

If any data points fall outside the range, the range is expanded to include those data points.


Name Type Description
start Number The value for the lowest grid line of the range axis.
end Number The value for the highest grid line of the range axis.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Uses stacked lines, meaning that line and bar values are stacked (accumulated). By default, there is no stacking.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the title of the chart. The title is displayed centered above the chart.

// Creates a line chart builder and title to 'My Line Chart'.
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();
builder.setTitle('My Line Chart')


Name Type Description
chartTitle String the chart title.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the text style of the chart title.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets it up for a  blue, 26-point title.
var textStyleBuilder = Charts.newTextStyle().setColor('#0000FF').setFontSize(26);
var style =;
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
textStyle TextStyle The text style to use for the chart title. You can create a TextStyleBuilder object by calling Charts.newTextStyle() .


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the horizontal axis text style.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the X-axis text style to blue, 18-point font.
var textStyle = Charts.newTextStyle().setColor('blue').setFontSize(18).build();
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
textStyle TextStyle The text style to use for the horizontal axis title. You can create a TextStyleBuilder object by calling Charts.newTextStyle() .


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Adds a title to the horizontal axis. The title is centered and appears below the axis value labels.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the X-axis title.
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();
builder.setTitle('X-axis Title')


Name Type Description
title String The title for the X-axis.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the horizontal axis title text style.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the X-axis title text style to blue, 18-point font.
var textStyle = Charts.newTextStyle().setColor('blue').setFontSize(18).build();
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
textStyle TextStyle The text style to use for the horizontal axis title. You can create a TextStyleBuilder object by calling Charts.newTextStyle() .


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the vertical axis text style.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the Y-axis text style to blue, 18-point font.
var textStyle = Charts.newTextStyle().setColor('blue').setFontSize(18).build();
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
textStyle TextStyle The text style to use for the horizontal axis title. You can create a TextStyleBuilder object by calling Charts.newTextStyle() .


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Adds a title to the vertical axis. The title is centered and appears to the left of the value labels.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the Y-axis title.
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();
builder.setYAxisTitle('Y-axis Title')


Name Type Description
title String The title for the Y-axis.


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Sets the vertical axis title text style.

// Creates a line chart builder and sets the Y-axis title text style to blue, 18-point font.
var textStyle = Charts.newTextStyle().setColor('blue').setFontSize(18).build();
var builder = Charts.newLineChart();


Name Type Description
textStyle TextStyle The text style to use for the horizontal axis title. You can create a TextStyleBuilder object by calling Charts.newTextStyle() .


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.


Makes the range axis into a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). The range axis are the vertical axis for vertical charts (such as line, area, or column) and the horizontal axis for horizontal charts (such as bar).


AreaChartBuilder — This builder, useful for chaining.