Build a context menu

A context menu appears for the alternate click (frequently called the right click) of a mouse. To build a context menu, first add the "contextMenus" permission to the manifest.json file.


  "permissions": [

Optionally, use the "icons" key if you want to show an icon next to a menu item. In this example, the menu item for the "Global Google Search" extension uses a 16 by 16 icon.

A context menu item with a 16 by 16 icon.
A context menu item with a 16 by 16 icon.

This rest of this example is taken from the Global Google Search context menu sample , which provides multiple context menu options. When an extension contains more than one context menu, Chrome automatically collapses them into a single parent menu as shown here:

A nested context menu.
Figure 4 : A context menu and a nested sub menu.

The sample shows this by calling contextMenus.create() in the extension service worker . Sub menu items are imported from the locales.js file. Then runtime.onInstalled iterates over them.


const tldLocales = {
  '': 'Australia',
  '': 'Brazil',

chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => {
  for (let [tld, locale] of Object.entries(tldLocales)) {
      id: tld,
      title: locale,
      type: 'normal',
      contexts: ['selection'],