
CC BY-SA 3.0 CL Codigo legal | Atribucion-CompartirIgual 3.0 Chile | Creative Commons Saltar al contenido

Atribucion-CompartirIgual 3.0 Chile


Codigo legal

Version 3.0 ? See the errata page for any corrections and the date of change


This is an older version of this license. Compared to previous versions, the 4.0 versions of all CC licenses are more user-friendly and more internationally robust . If you are licensing your own work , we strongly recommend the use of the 4.0 license instead: CC BY-SA 4.0 Codigo legal | Atribucion-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

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Puede contactarse con Creative Commons en creativecommons.org .

Creative Commons is the nonprofit behind the open licenses and other legal tools that allow creators to share their work. Our legal tools are free to use.

- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 교육부 고전문헌국역지원사업의 지원으로 구축되었습니다.
- "漢字路" 한글한자자동변환 서비스는 전통문화연구회 "울산대학교한국어처리연구실 옥철영(IT융합전공)교수팀"에서 개발한 한글한자자동변환기를 바탕하여 지속적으로 공동 연구 개발하고 있는 서비스입니다.
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- 변환오류 및 건의,문의사항은 juntong@juntong.or.kr로 메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. .
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