Hi, I have fetched an access token, but when I try to call userinfo endpoint with it - it returns empty object.
Tenant name: dev-1y03nqe5vd3rtzha
I used api request to fetch access token.
Audience - https://dev-1y03nqe5vd3rtzha.us.auth0.com/userinfo
OpenID Connect (okta) Enterprise Connections.

        "client_id": app_config["auth0_client_id"],
        "connection": app_config["auth0_connection_name"],
        "redirect_uri": os.environ["AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI"],
        "state": request.session.get("state", "/"),
        "response_type": "code",
        "scopes": "openid profile email",
        "audience": app_config["auth0_audience"],


payload = {
        "grant_type": "authorization_code",
        "code": code,
        "redirect_uri": os.environ["AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI"],
        "scopes": "openid profile email",
        "client_id": app_config["auth0_client_id"],
        "client_secret": app_config["auth0_client_secret"],
        "audience": app_config["auth0_audience"],
    exchange = requests.post(

I tried with and without audience, but the result is the same.

The issue was fixed. In okta we have scopes, But in auth0 it is scope.

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Hey there @ilokhvytska welcome to the community!

Good to know you were able to get this sorted, and thanks for following up with the solution :slight_smile:

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