Google Merchant Center Best Sellers table schemas

Best Sellers table schemas

You can use the Best Sellers report to view the best-selling products and brands on Google Shopping and in Shopping Ads. You can use the information from this report to understand which products are performing well on Google, and whether you carry them.

When you import select Best Sellers as one of the reports that are relevant to your transfer, four tables are created:

  • BestSellersBrandWeekly_ merchant_id
  • BestSellersBrandMonthly_ merchant_id
  • BestSellersProductClusterWeekly_ merchant_id
  • BestSellersProductClusterMonthly_ merchant_id

The Best Sellers tables follow the monthly or weekly best seller reports, both product and brand, from Google Merchant Center . The latest monthly or weekly snapshot is updated daily. Since data is updated at the start of each week or month, some data might be repeated several days in a row.

The BestSellersProductCluster<Weekly/Monthly>_ tables have the following schema:

Column BigQuery data type Description Example data
country_code STRING Country in which the products are sold. CH
report_category_id INTEGER Google product category of the sold products.
title STRING Title of the best selling product cluster.
brand STRING Brand of the best selling product cluster.
category_l1 STRING Google product category of the best selling product cluster.
category_l2 STRING Google product category of the best selling product cluster.
category_l3 STRING Google product category of the best selling product cluster.
category_l4 STRING Google product category of the best selling product cluster.
category_l5 STRING Google product category of the best selling product cluster.
variant_gtins STRING GTINs of products from your inventory corresponding to this product cluster.
product_inventory_status STRING Status of this product in your inventory. in_inventory, not_in_inventory, out_of_stock
bra:%s/nd_inventory_status STRING Status of this brand in your inventory, based on the status of products from this brand. in_stock, out_of_stock, not_in_inventory
rank INTEGER Rank of the product (the lower, the more sold the product).
previous_rank INTEGER Rank of the product in the previous period (week or month).
relative_demand STRING Product's estimated demand in relation to the product with the highest rank in the same category and country. very_high, high, medium, low, very_low
previous_relative_demand STRING Relative demand value for this product compared to the previous period (week or month). very_high, high, medium, low, very_low
relative_demand_change STRING How the relative demand changed for this product compared to the previous period (week or month).

The BestSellersBrand<Weekly/Monthly>_ tables have the following schema:

Column BigQuery data type Description Example data
brand STRING best selling brand.
category_id INTEGER Google product category ID of the best selling brand.
country_code STRING Country in which the best selling brand has been sold.
rank INTEGER Rank of the best selling brand (the lower the more sold).
previous_rank INTEGER Rank of the best selling brand in the previous period (week or month).
relative_demand STRING Product's estimated demand in relation to the product with the highest rank in the same category and country. very_high, high, medium, low, very_low
previous_relative_demand STRING Relative demand in the previous period (week or month). very_high, high, medium, low, very_low
relative_demand_change STRING Change in demand compared to the previous period (week or month).