Google Enterprise APIs

High-stability APIs. Ready for enterprise use. Support options available.

At Google Cloud, we continually improve our products and APIs to drive innovation for our customers. Google Enterprise APIs are based on the following properties:

  • Enterprise : These APIs aim to build on the mutual trust with our customers necessary for long-term investments. We want our customers to have the assurances they need to build creative new applications on top of our best-in-class infrastructure, using our innovative services and tools.

  • Stability : These APIs provide the high stability required for the continuity of our customers' critical systems. They are guided by a new, more rigorous process reflective of the critical, long-term dependencies that our customers have on APIs. We are also committed to maintain API stability by taking a careful approach to deprecation and breaking changes. Changes to these APIs are managed sparingly and thoughtfully along with sufficient notice and support for affected customers including providing migration tools along with alternatives.

  • Support : For customer issues with these APIs, the following support options are available:

    • Google Cloud Platform : Google Cloud Platform API customers are provided with dedicated support from our Customer Support team including coding assistance and implementation.

    • Google Workspace : Google Workspace API customers are provided with dedicated support for the general functionality of these APIs.

    • Google Maps Platform : Google Maps API customers are provided with dedicated support from our Customer Support team including coding assistance and implementation.

These properties apply to all APIs that have the Google Enterprise API label. You can see which APIs have these properties in the API Library and Marketplace . This label distinguishes the Google Enterprise APIs from other Google APIs, such as those supplied by teams outside of Google Cloud. If you use other Google APIs, refer to the documentation of those APIs to understand their stability and feature attributes.