
Barrierefreiheit | Electron


Electron-Apps und -Webseiten ahneln sich bezuglich ihrer Barrierefreiheit, da sie beide im Endeffekt HTML sind.

Barrierefreiheitsfunktionen manuell aktivieren ?

Electron-Apps aktivieren Funktionen fur Barrierefreiheit automatisch im Beisein assistiver Technologien (z.B. JAWS auf Windows oder VoiceOver auf macOS). Schauen Sie in die Dokumentation fur Barrierefreiheit fur weitere Informationen.

You can also manually toggle these features either within your Electron application or by setting flags in third-party native software.

Benutzung der Electron-API ?

By using the app.setAccessibilitySupportEnabled(enabled) API, you can manually expose Chrome's accessibility tree to users in the application preferences. Note that the user's system assistive utilities have priority over this setting and will override it.

Innerhalb Drittanbieter-Software ?

macOS ?

On macOS, third-party assistive technology can toggle accessibility features inside Electron applications by setting the AXManualAccessibility attribute programmatically:

Mit Objective-C:

CFStringRef kAXManualAccessibility 

+ ( void ) enableAccessibility : ( BOOL ) enable inElectronApplication : ( NSRunningApplication * ) app
AXUIElementRef appRef = AXUIElementCreateApplication ( app . processIdentifier ) ;
if ( appRef == nil )
return ;

CFBooleanRef value = enable ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse ;
AXUIElementSetAttributeValue ( appRef , kAXManualAccessibility , value ) ;
CFRelease ( appRef ) ;

Mit Swift:

import Cocoa

let name = CommandLine.arguments.count >= 2 ? CommandLine.arguments[1] : "Electron"
let pid = NSWorkspace.shared.runningApplications.first(where: {$0.localizedName == name})!.processIdentifier
let axApp = AXUIElementCreateApplication(pid)
let result = AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(axApp, "AXManualAccessibility" as CFString, true as CFTypeRef)
print("Setting 'AXManualAccessibility' \(error.rawValue == 0 ? "succeeded" : "failed")")
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